Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Recommended Links

This link gives a summary and some pictures from the Stable on the Strand Ministry I volunteered at.

This is the website for the organization called Not For Sale whom we are partnering with to do a themed Discipleship Training School starting January 16.

This link will open your eyes to the child sex trafficking happening at home in Phoenix, Arizona.

A New Season

Wow, what a year. So I ended the year by staffing a week long summer camp called Impact Summer for kids ages 12-17. The camp consisted of lectures on the book of Ephesians, practicing praying for eachother, fun games, free time, worship, and outreach at Stable on the Strand, a Christian Christmas Festival. The kids volunteered in different areas like acting in the Christmas story play, painting children's faces, picking up trash and more. The Stable on the Strand reaches out to thousands of people with the story of Jesus' birth. The youth were really challenged in their faith and putting it into action.
So now I am beginning staff training for the January Not For Sale Discipleship Training School (DTS). A DTS is a six month training course for young people aged 18-30. It consists of 11 weeks of lectures on topics like identity in Christ, missions, lordship, spiritual warfare and 9 weeks of outreach doing things like speaking at churches in Papua New Guinea and doing school programs in New Zealand. This DTS is themed after the organization called Not For Sale that fights against modern day slavery, including everything from forced labor to sex trafficking. Injustice issues like this are very heavy on my heart and I am passionate to see them eradicated from todays society. We have about 17 students attending the 6 month school from all around the world. The school starts on January 16 and goes until June. I did my DTS in July 2009 and am so excited to get to staff a school. Please pray for the students as they begin arriving soon as well as for my personal finances. I need to raise about $3500 for our 9 weeks of outreach during this school, to cover travel, food, and accomodation. Thank you for reading!!! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and would love to hear your plans for the new year!